AM Check-In
-Colby weighed in at 2 pounds 5 ounces!
-45% oxygen
-Colby is still tee-teeing good
-Overall, Colby was having a good morning
Afternoon Visit
-SATs were ok-his nurse had just finished working with him so it took him awhile to settle back down
-Colby measured almost 14 and 1/4" long
-His amplitude was at 17
-His bacteria was looking better. So far, his blood culture from yesterday has come back negative so we are able to keep his PICC line in for now
-His X-ray was not looking as good today
-Hope to start his feeding again in the next few days!!! Yeah!
Evening Check-In
-48% oxygen
-Colby dropped an ounce to 2 pounds 4 ounces
-Platelets went from 71,000 to 69,000 on this last blood gas. If they fall below 60,000 on the next check they will give him some more platelets
-Overall, Colby is having a good night as well and was taking a nap
Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts and please keep them going. I know that Colby has had some good days but he is far from being out of the woods. His little body has so much to go through in order to get stronger and healthier so we can bring him home. :)
Continued prayers for all of you. I thank God for the good news, and pray for sweet baby Colby to keep getting stronger. He's a fighter, that's for sure. Love and hugs to you all.