
Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Bad Day was Exhausting...

Good Evening!

DAY TIME:  Our first rough day was very tiring.  We went to see Colby this morning and that was really hard.  Knowing you can only sit and watch your baby boy struggle through everything by himself.  I wish I could take some of this work off of him and put it back on me.  I know that God is protecting him and holding him in His hands until I can wrap Colby up in mine and that gives me so much peace.

They were giving him some blood this morning when we went up there so that is good for him---they have to take so much from him to run his blood gases and other tests. They had him propped up a little on his side because one of his lungs was collapsing---by raising it a bit, the oxygen rises to the higher lung and works on filling it up to help correct that.

NIGHT TIME:  Jason and I went back up to the hospital after dinner tonight and all I can say is our God is an amazing healer!!!  Thank you to all our prayer warriors that sent out prayers today---they are working and we are so thankful for all your thoughts and prayers!  Please keep them coming our way!  Here are a few pieces of info from tonight:

-They were just taking an x-ray when we got there and while it still looked bad---it did look better than the one we saw earlier.  PRAYER--Please pray that his lungs continue to get stronger every day and that there is minimal long term damage done.

-At one point in the afternoon his nurse, Brandon (who was fantastic!!!!) said they got his oxygen down to 95% but he had to bring it back up to 100%. PRAYER--Please pray that they are able to lower his oxygen percentage over the next few days.

-His sats were holding steadier which is good. PRAISE!!

-Brandon left the top off his bed while we were there so we were able to get some good pictures and we were able to touch him.  I put my pinky in and touched his hand and he wrapped his fingers around it.  Just about made me cry---I was so happy!  What a wonderful moment!  (I know it was probably a lot due to reflexes but I am choosing to forget about that as a possible explanation!)  Jason also got to put his finger in there and have Colby hold onto him!  So sweet! PRAISE!! PRAISE!! PRAISE!!

-They are feeding him 1 CC every 3 hours now instead of every 6 hours so that is good news! PRAISE!

-His platelets are a little low so they are giving him so more of those tonight.  Brandon was going to take his current IV out and put another one in before starting the platelets which should take about two hours. PRAYER--Pray that these platelets help him feel better!

-We also met Logan and his Mommy tonight---Logan was born at 23 weeks old and that was 2 months ago!  His Mommy was holding him and loving on him tonight.  Can't wait until that is us!!  Stories like this give us hope and encouragement! PRAISE!!!---This was just what we needed to see on a day like today!

Please keep praying that Colby has a good night and that we have more good days ahead.

Our pumpkin is two weeks old now! :)  Wow!  These two weeks have gone by so fast (but at the same time they have gone by so slow at times!)

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