Yesterday was a good day!
Morning Check-In
When Jason called for his morning check-in Colby was having a good day. His oxygen was at 40% and his platelet count was at 66,000 (BIG PRAISES!!!!) so he didn't have to have any platelets yesterday morning!
Afternoon Visit
I took Emily up to see Colby today for the first time and she was very excited! When we got there he was on his tummy and all tucked in. They moved his amplitude to 16 while we were there but he stayed pretty quiet and slept most of the time we were there visiting.
Night-time Check-In
Carol gave us lots of information when we checked in last night!
-Colby's weight was 2 pounds 1 ounce (He lost 3 ounces but it seems like it is water weight so that is ok) PRAISE!
-He has been tee-teeing like crazy she said! PRAISE and PRAYER--that he will continue to keep this going!
-His oxygen was at 40% and his amplitude was still at 16---both of these were staying pretty steady! PRAISE!!
-His last gas looked pretty good! PRAISE and PRAYER that this continues looking good!
-They were going to check his platelets in the morning to see how they were doing. PRAYER--that his platelet count will stay above 60,000 so he won't have to have some as often as he has been. This infection has been eating them up---PRAY that this infection goes away as well!
-When I was talking with Carol she said he was having a pretty good temper tantrum---he was on his back (which he doesn't like) and kicking his legs around, moving his arms and both his eyes were wide open! I asked her to get out the disposable camera and take a picture for me! :) PRAISE and PRAYER---I know that most parents don't normally say a praise for a temper tantrum but that is one of the most normal things a baby does and we like those kinds of things! Pray that he keeps getting stronger and stronger! I can't wait until the day I get to hear him scream at us for messing with him!
Thank you for following our story, for your prayers, and for your praises. Knowing our precious little boy is touching lives in ways we never knew possible is so humbling and shows us that we have an AMAZING GOD! May He continue to use Colby and our family to help others and to show people that miracles happen everyday---you just have to be open to accepting them for what they are.
God Bless,
Wishing blogspot had a "like" button right about now!!!