
Thursday, August 2, 2012


Colby has had a good day.

They did the second Echocardiogram today and the Patent Ductus Arteriosis they were treating with the Indocine is now very small.  It isn't completely closed but we will take what we can get for now.

They have completely weened him off the Dopamine for his blood pressure and it is holding steady.

They have lowered the ventilator setting to 24 breathes per minute with an oxygen rate of 35%.  Unfortunately I don't think I could articulate exactly what that means so I won't even try. What I will say is that they say it is very good.  To give it a little perspective the current machine he is on has a low setting of 10 and a high setting of 60, with as much as 100% oxygen.  It is so cute because you can watch his little chest rise when he gets the blast of air from the machine but you can also see him trying to breath "over the machine", as they call it, and attempt to breathe some on his own.

All of is other vitals are holding steady just like they are supposed to.

They will probably start trying to feed him some starting on his seventh day.  They may start with something like Pedialyte or a 20 calorie preemie formula.  Can you imagine a 20 calorie diet?

They will also start turning him over on his belly around day seven.  I hadn't really thought about it before but he is fighting gravity pulling on his little lungs while he is lying on his back.  

We serve an AWESOME GOD!!

The specific prayer requests right now are that the blood in his head is not from an active bleed and that it will reabsorb into the body and not cause any damage.

That Colby's vitals will remain stable.

They have taken him off his antibiotics, so pray that his body will stay free of infection and be able to fight off any infection on its own.

Thank you all so much for the support.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Romans 12:12


  1. I have to steal my wife's words... I am absolutely NOT ashamed to admit that "Happy Tears" are streaming down my face!!! I am so overwhelmed and overjoyed by this report! But, prayers for continued healing and protection will continue. I love you guys and I love our mighty and awesome God! Thanks so much for the update and for the opportunity to lift praises and continued prayer over this precious little boy.

  2. Praising, praising, praising! One day at a time and stroner every day. That is my constant prayer. Bless this child to grow strong and and healthy inside and out. He will bring glory to You, oh Lord!
