
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My First Blog on my Pumpkin...

Good Evening Everyone!  This is my first shot at writing a post so please bear with me until I get the hang of it!  (For those of you that are English teachers---ignore all the errors!)

Colby had a good day today.  We went to see him before lunch and I took my Grandmother in with me.  His day nurse, Sheila, said he was doing well.  He wasn't moving around too much but he picked up his hand as if to say "Hi Mommy!" and he moved his feet around entertaining his Great Grandma. :)  Then Daddy got there and brought in Aunt Ali to visit while my Grandmother and I went back out to the waiting room.

Information Pieces for Today
-Colby had his head ultrasound and we should find out the results tomorrow.  Please continue to pray for positive results--for the blood they saw the last time to have started to be absorbed and for there to not be an active bleed.

-His weight gain (yesterday we were told he had gone up to 1 lb 14 oz---4 oz gain) which is too much too fast.  This is mostly due to water retention and they are giving him diuretics to hopefully help with that.  Please pray that the medicine works and helps with the following couple of issues.

-His oxygen levels are up and down and they adjust his percentage as needed, based on results from each blood gas.  Hopefully when we get some of this excess fluid out of him, this will start to get more under control and his percentage will be able to come down a little.

-They are trying to lower his dopamine levels to 2 or 3 (which is what they consider a renal dosage---a minimum amount that helps the kidneys out but still low enough that they can start to feed him) but this is another thing that goes up and down and isn't holding as steady as they would like.  Similar to the oxygen levels---when they can get rid of some of this water retention---it will help get this to be a bit more steady.

-Sheila tried to give Colby some tummy time today but apparently he didn't like it very much and she had to turn him back over. :)  Stinker!

Jason talked with his evening nurse, Stephanie, and things are very similar this evening.  He seems to be having a relaxing night.

Please keep praying for our precious baby!!  I am so humbled by this miracle God has given to us.  We are so amazed by the number of people that are following along with Colby's progress.  Your support  lifts us up each day and gives us so much strength.  We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Please know that tons of people you've never even met are praying for him, and so he is ministering to people's spirits at a point when the rest of us were still growing securely in a safe place. What a great start to life! Thank you for taking time to keep us in on your prayer journey. God bless Colby and God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much Donnie! This experience has been so amazing for us. We have just been so overwhelmed by the response from everyone---we never thought about how our journey was impacting others. A friend mentioned how much stronger is was making her and it warms my heart to look at it from another angle. During our visit yesterday my Grandmother wanted to know how you could look at this little baby and see how he is doing and not believe there is an awesome God that is wrapping Colby up in His loving arms! :)

    2. That reply was from Brie...not Jason.

  2. Brie and family, thank you for the daily updates on Colby. My prayers are constant for all of you.
    I know right now that is the best gift that anyone can give. Stay strong. Love to you all. Laura Dunlap
