
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Better news today!

We aren't completely out of the woods but we are hearing some things that are doing better so we are really excited about those!

Morning Update
-He has moved down to 40% oxygen!!!  Whoo Hoo!!!

-Seemed to be having a good morning

-His platelet count was at 56,000.  This is much better than 16,000 but not quite to 80,000 so they ordered some more platelets for him to have this morning.  We will check it again this afternoon and see how it is doing.

-His blood culture came back positive for a fungal bacteria (which is what they thought it was) but it will take a little bit of time before they can determine the type.  Please pray that it is something that can be easily treated with these antibiotics.

Afternoon Update
-His oxygen has been dropped to 35%!!!!!  BIG PRAISES!!!!

-After checking his blood gases they were able to move his amplitude from 21 to 20!!!!  Yeah!

-They have stopped his dopamine!

-Colby's tee-tee is much better today!

-They have stopped one antibiotic (doesn't help with fungal infections) and they have repeated a blood culture to test that as well.

We are so excited about these positive movements but still understand Colby has a long way to go!  Please continue to Praise and Pray for our little family!


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