Good Morning Everyone! We checked in with his nurse pretty late last night so I didn't have a chance to update the blog before I went to bed. We had a pretty good day yesterday!!!
AM Check-In with Elizabeth:
-75% oxygen
-32 rate---this is doing well! Making progress on moving this down!
-He weighed 2 pounds 10 ounces
-Overall he was having a good morning!
Mommy and Emily's visit:
-Colby's oxygen SAT was in the high 90s so Elizabeth took his oxygen down 2% (down to 70%) which was good. He kept his oxygen SAT steady after that too so Mommy was happy.
-He had just eaten lunch so he was a little sleepy
-He did peek an eye open a time or two to play peek-a-boo!
-He was moving around a good amount at one point...he was pushing himself off his tummy!
Daddy's visit:
-Making good progress on his ventilator today
--65% oxygen
--28 rate
-Colby got very mad at one point and was moving around a lot and pushing himself up with his legs again! One of the nurses stepped over and suctioned his little mouth a little and that seemed to settle him down again.
PM Check-In:
Talked with Debbie last night and his settings were still the same from Daddy's visit. He was doing good with his antibiotics and formula. She hadn't weighed him when we talked so I will find that out this morning! She said he was being a sweet baby last night! Yeah!
So many things to be thankful for over these last few days! Thank you for all your prayers! Our God is wonderful and can do amazing things!
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