
Monday, September 17, 2012

Catching Up...

So sorry that it has been awhile since we back at work has been much busier!  I will do quick highlights of the days that I have missed! :)

Sept 14
-Having a good day--they were still trying to wean him off the ventilator so they were working on getting his settings down
-Had a short visit with lunch and they were going to start multi-vitamins later that evening
-Mommy came back after work and got to hold him for a little bit!!!  We had some skin to skin time where Ms. Debbie put him up on my chest/neck area.  It was so sweet!  She took some pictures for me.  I couldn't see him and he was moving around a little bit...he would move his head and I would ask Ms. Debbie if his ventilator was still sitting right, he would make a noise and I would look at her with big eyes and she would have to tell me he was fine.  He monitor would go off but I couldn't see it to tell what was beeping so I would start thinking I was doing something wrong!  It was the most wonderful yet nerve-wracking thing!

Sept 15
-Doing good when we checked on him that morning and he weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces!  Just keeps gaining weight!  Must like his food! 
-Went up for an evening visit and took Nana, Grams, and Ainsley with us.  When we got up there we found out that they had taken Colby off his ventilator for a few hours that morning!  He lasted almost 3 hours before having to go back on.  He was really tuckered out and didn't even open his eyes!

Sept 16
-Doing good!  Weighed 2 pounds 14 ounces!!!  Just keeps going! PRAISES!
-Daddy and Ainsley visited little brother and he was being a wiggleworm!  It was near feeding time so he probably needed a diaper change.  Ainsley sang to him and  told him some nursery rhymes.

Sept 17
-When Jason checked in this morning Colby had a high band count which could mean an infection.  When that test comes back high they run another one (CRP) and if it is high---that usually means an infection.  Colby's CRP was low so we are waiting on the cultures to see what is going on but they went ahead and started him on antibiotics just in case.  That meant they had to put an IV back in his little arm. :(  But hopefully this will help.  If I understood the doctor right...this could be part of why Colby only lasted a few hours off the ventilator on Saturday.  PRAYER--that we have caught this right at the beginning and it won't bother him for too long.
-He weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces (looks like an entire ounce but it was only a loss of 10 grams)
-He was 16 3/4" long!!!  My pumpkin is growing so much!  (That is 3 3/4" in 7 weeks!) PRAISES!
-His eye exam last Wednesday was looking good so far---PRAYER--Please continue to pray that his eyes develop fully and correctly.

Thank you to everyone that has kept our family in your thoughts and prayers.  It continues to humble me when I hear stories of how people are praying for us.  We are so appreciative of your love for our family!  Please feel free to leave a comment on here...I am hoping to print this and make a book for Colby to have one day so he can see how many people cared and prayed for him.  He can see how he affected others...even at such young age and with all that he was going through.


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