
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back on the ventilator...

Got a call from the hospital this morning around 7:30 and they let us know that Colby had been put back on his ventilator around 7am.  He lasted about 10 hours breathing on his own which is a big deal at this stage.  He was doing good at the beginning and holding his own.  As the night progressed and the morning came---he carbon dioxide percentages were going up a little higher than they would have liked.  (He was breathing in ok and getting a good amount of oxygen but he wasn't able to breathe hard enough to get all the carbon dioxide out.  Even after being but back on the ventilator for just an hour and a half---his blood gases were looking good again.  They are hoping to try to take him off again in a few days and see how he does this time.

Afternoon Visit
Jason and I stopped by around lunch and he was out like a light!  He didn't wake up the entire time we were there...he barely moved!  That is very odd for our child---he is always moving!  Last night tuckered him out a lot!  All his SATs were doing really well and his blood gases were as well.

Phone Call with Dr. Whittington
Got a call from the doctor after we left with an update of the changes they were going to be working on today. 

-They were switching all his meds over from IV meds to oral meds---this means that the medications will be mixed in with his formula instead of going in through his IV.  They are adding Vitamin D to his list of meds to help strengthen his bones.  They are also adding some extra sodium to his diet since one of his meds tends to have an affect on his sodium amounts.  They were also switching his formula from a 20 calorie to a 24 calorie and he had gone up to 15 CCs yesterday.  If he can tolerate all these new things---change in formula and the meds in his formula instead of in his IV---without it upsetting his tummy, they will probably take the IV out of his little arm!!!!  YEAH!!!  PRAISES!! PRAYER---that he will be able to tolerate all these changes like a big boy and they will be able to remove his IV so he will have one less thing sticking in him!

-He had an eye exam on the 5th and it was normal and looking good so far.  He has another one tomorrow with Dr. Parma.  PRAYER---Please pray that he eyes continue to grow correctly and that he will not have any eye issues!

-He had an ultrasound on his kidneys a little while ago and they were a little swollen.  They will do another ultrasound tomorrow to check on them but Dr. Whittington said this was normal for preemies and it can go away on it's own.  PRAYER---please pray that when they do the next ultrasound that they find his kidneys are getting back to a normal size.

-His head growth is normal so that is good.  His bleed is still dissipating so that is going in the right direction.  PRAISES!!!  PRAYER---pray that this bleed continues to be absorbed and that there are no complications.

Thank you to all our prayer warriors who also prayed for Cadence.  I have found out that she has pneumonia and has had a fever for quite some time.  Please pray that for wisdom for the doctors and nurses so that they will know what to do to help this precious little girl.  Pray for comfort and peace for her parents and family.  Thank you so much!

Hope to have an update later this evening on Colby...

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