
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Already the first of September! seems that it was just yesterday that I was in the hospital but our little man is 5 weeks old today! 

First I would like to ask all our prayer warriors to also include a new born named Cara in your prayers.  She was born at 29 weeks and weighs 1 pound!!!  Her story can followed on Facebook (look for "Caring for Cara Green").  We met her parents Kristy and Jason today and were able to talk with them for a little bit.  Cara is already showing signs that she is a tough cookie! :)

Our pumpkin had a pretty steady day today.  Here are some of the bullets:

AM Check-In
     When we checked in this morning with Rhonda, he was having a pretty good morning.  All his SATs were holding steady and they hadn't made any adjustments to his oxygen or rate.

Afternoon Visit
-Rate still at 48
-Oxygen at 78%
-Colby had gained a little bit of weight so they wanted to make sure he gets rid of any water weight--they upped his diuretic just a little bit ( .9cc to 1.1cc) and he was having good diapers so that will help.
-He had his eyes open most of the time we were there and was squirmy, too.
-They are also going up on his feeding every 9 hours instead of every 12 hours!!!!  PRAISES!!!  Mommy is so excited!  At 3pm Colby got 7 CCs and at midnight he will be getting 8 CCs!!!!  This is back to where we were with feeding before the infection set in---8 CCs will be the highest amount yet!!!  Whoo Hoo!  PRAISE!!!! PRAISE!!!!

Evening Check-In
     Talked with Sheila tonight and got an update on our little man!  He is have a good night.  His rate and oxygen % are holding stead.  His blood gases have looked good but not strong enough to make any adjustments on the ventilator.  He seemed to be moving/jerking around a little tonight so she gave him some meds to calm him down a bit.  I pray my baby has a quiet night and gets some good rest!

Thank you to everyone for their continued prayers and support!


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