Jason called this morning and everything was going well. They had moved Colby's rate down and he had been doing well!
Afternoon Visit:
Jason and I got there around lunch to find Colby OFF his ventilator and on the CPAP machine (has the little tubes that go in his nose a bit and it has a contraption that goes over his head to hold it in place)!!!! My big boy!!!! I was so excited! Jason and I were talking to him and he started crying!!! I know that probably isn't the normal thing a parent gets excited about but that is the first time we have heard our baby able to use his lungs to cry and it was music to our ears! What a blessing! It made my day. I cried right along with him!!! They would be watching him to see how he did this time off the vent but the doctor seemed like they were going to try and make him be a big boy tonight. PRAYERS---Please pray that he does well with being off his ventilator!!!
Evening Check-Up:
Jason called around 8 to see how he was doing and Colby's gases still weren't where they would like for them to be but they had some things to try still.
Sandra called around 9pm to let us know that his pH level was up (which is good) but his carbon dioxide was still a bit too high. They tried bumping his rate up to see if that helped.
11:00 Call:
Doing another gas at midnight but he was holding steady. His oxygen is was at 25% and his rate is at 20 breaths per minute.
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