
Monday, October 8, 2012

Eye Update

October 5, 2012
-Took Grandma to see Colby and she got to hold him
-Dr. Parma had been there and so Karis filled me in on what was going on
---He has an infection in his right eye
---There was some bleeding in his eyes
---They were starting him on antibiotics and doing cultures to see if it is anywhere else as well
-Colby weighed 3 pounds 9 ounces
-He was having a few de-SATs and bradys but they were around feeding time and seems to be able to bring them up on his own
-Nighttime check had him at 3 pounds 10 ounces and they upped his feeding from 26 CCs to 28 CCs

October 6, 2012
-Called to check in and found that they had moved him to room #1 because of staffing
-Daddy went in to see Colby and met with Dr. Parma for a few minutes
-Dr. Parma isn't seeing what he wants to be seeing and he wanted to meet us at his office Monday morning
-Still going steady with 26% oxygen and de-SATing just a little

October 7, 2012
-Colby was holding steady at 3 pounds 10 ounces, 28 CCs of formula, and some de-SATs during feeding
-Took Ainsley up to visit with him for a few minutes
-Angela told us they were going to up his feedings to 30 CCs!!!!  We finally hit 1 ounce of food at feeding time!
-Dr. Parma stopped by and then called us to set up an appointment for Monday morning

October 8, 2012
-Met with Dr. Parma this morning and he is going to be visiting Colby every two days from now on
-Dr. Parma thinks we will probably need to do surgery within the week---maybe next week
-He is trying to wait as long as possible so Colby will have the best chance to have the most periphial vision
-I am going to try and explain this:  There are three stages that the nerves need to grow through.  He has passed through stage one and has started into stage 2.  This is a very important step.  However, his nerves haven't grown as far into stage 2 as they should have by this age.  The further out they grow---the better the periphial vision is.  One of the main reasons why his nerves haven't grown like they should have---other than he was very early---is that your body grows those nerves to get oxygen to the eyes.  Colby was on a ventilator so that oxygen was getting there much easier and so the nerves havent' grown.  Now that he is off---there will be a time when his little body tries to catch up and so the nerves will grow fast.  This is what Dr. Parma is looking for.  He wants to let the nerves grow as much as possible but it they grow out of control they could block his vision so he wants to go in and do surgery right before that happens.  Depending on how the surgery goes, Dr. Parma has been in contact with a specialist from Vanderbilt University about a procedure that he performs.  Right now they both believe laser surgery is the first step that should be taken.  Another thing that Dr. Parma mentioned is that Colby will probably need to be taken to Birmingham down the road to a pediatric optamologist to see if he needs glasses.

-We had a lovely visit with him this morning---got to hold him for a few minutes and then he got his breakfast.  He was wide awake and just looking around!

-Jason called in this evening to check in and he was sleeping away!  They have taken him down to 3 liters of flow!  Another step in the right direction!

I am much calmer after meeting with Dr. Parma---I really have a peace about his love for these babies and trust that he will know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.  PRAYER!!!PLEASE---pray for Colby's eyes to grow and mature in the right way and pray for wisdom for Dr. Parma and all the other doctors and nurses that take care of these sweet babies!  We just love them!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Colby's continued growth and improvement. Praying for Dr. Parma and the specialists at Vanderbilt to know exactly what/when/how to perform the necessary procedure(s). Praying first and foremost for God's hand in all of this. Asking HIM to heal Colby's eyes and allow for normal growth of the nerves and blood vessels in and around the eye, so that Colby can see the beauty of God's wonderful creation. PRAISING GOD that Colby has loving parents who will raise him to know and love the Lord and that he will experience God's favor, regardless of his level of physical vision. PRAISING GOD for all that He has already done in the life of this young miracle and in the lives of all of US who have been allowed to participate in witnessing God's power for healing and protection. THANK YOU for the updates and the continued opportunity to come alongside you in prayerful support during the harder times and in celebratory praise in the better times!!! We love you guys!
