Colby was introduced into this world at 11:41 p.m. on July 28, 2012, with a great deal of excitement and activity. He was born at 24 weeks into the pregnancy, measuring 13 inches in length, and weighing in at only 1 lb, 10 oz. Brie had been experiencing some complications throughout the pregnancy, but especially for the past week. Her placenta was abrupting from the cervix and the doctors and nurses senses were already hightened as it related to this sweet little boy. Everyone felt as though things were pretty well settled down, and there was actually much talk of the Smiths returning home (though with strict orders for rest), and getting away from the difficulties of life in the hospital. Around 8:00 in the evening, complications began presenting themselves again, and circumstances continued to slide south as the night progressed. Around 10:45, it appeared that things were settling down and Brie began to settle in for some sleep. Suddenly, though, contractions began and were growing in both regularity and intensity. At approximately 11:15, the nurses discovered that Brie's cervix had suddenly begun to thin and dilate and it was apparent that labor was in full-swing. The nursing staff came rushing in from every direction and the decision was quickly made to perform an emergency C-section, as the doctors could not determine Colby's position. Brie was whisked down the hall, with Jason sprinting immediately behind. In a matter of minutes, Colby was delivered, intubated, cleaned up, and taken to the NICU. Brie came through the surgery well, though she is extremely sore and tired.
Having been born as early as he was, there are obvious concerns about physical development. However, in this first 12 hours, the doctors are encouraged by Colby's status - his vitals are looking good, though his blood pressure needs to come up. As more information becomes available, this blog site will be updated - please check back regularly. In the meantime, PLEASE continue to pray continually and expectantly. God's will is perfect and beyond our ability to understand at all times. But, please pray for a peace - even in the midst of that lack of understanding - a peace that shrouds the family and wraps them in comfort. Please pray for wisdom - wisdom that can only come from the Creator and Author of all life - wisdom for the medical team and professionals, so they can treat and react to Colby in every necessary way. Please pray for strength - a strength that can only come through Christ Almighty - for strength will be necessary to endure the coming days, weeks, and months. Please pray for love - felt in the presence of the Holy Spirit - may the Spirit's presence permeate the hospital room, the hearts of the family, into the NICU, and all over as people lift this family and this little baby boy's life in prayer.
Your support in prayer and love is greatly appreciated! May God bless each of you, as He uses you to bring blessing to this family!!!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Jason!!
ReplyDeleteThe LORD will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your Glory.
Isaiah 60:19