How would you like to hear some GOOD news??? Well, let me give it a whirl!
- The folks at South have successfully gotten Colby's blood sugar levels regulated.
- Colby's blood pressure is doing a better job of holding steady on its own, allowing them to reduce the dosage of dopamine being used.
- He is breathing "room air" - meaning that they are not having to push extra Oxygen through the ventillator. (They have gone up on the ventillator setting, but they're not too concerned about that given the other positive steps.)
- With everything looking so good, they have dropped back on the scheduled blood gas tests - they will now be performing those every four hours, as compared to the two hour schedule they were on before.
Similar great news on Brie - looks like she's going home tomorrow!!! Her H&H level is up to 27 and it looks like the transfusion took without any resistance from the body. Hallelujah! She has out of bed more and more frequently each day, and is now doing laps around the Post Partum Ward each time she gets up. (Jason loves some NASCAR, so I imagine they're going around the ward in a counter-clockwise direction... GO FAST, TURN LEFT - GO FAST, TURN LEFT!!!) :)
Folks, you're doing an amazing job. God created us because he covets a relationship with us. He calls us to talk to Him and to listen to Him - just as communication is important in ANY relationship. He is hearing your prayers! I want you to hear His answer... He is blessing this world through the life of Colby - people are coming back to prayer and seeking to enter (or return) into an active relationship with the Christ. Continue to fervently bring expectant prayer before Him, in accordance with Luke 11 and Psalm 5. Continue to seek His will for this little boy and his family. And, in so doing, let yourself reap the blessing of chasing after God's own heart and strengthen your own relationship with Christ.
May God's protection continue to rest upon little Colby. May His peace continue to fill the hearts of Jason & Brie. May the strength of the Holy Spirit continue to embolden each of them and each of us as we bring our requests before the Lord. May Christ's love be felt among believers and shared with everyone who is touched by young Colby's life. And may God continue to bless each and every person who has partnered in prayer and support of this family!
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