This is my first atempt at blogging and I am not near as good with words as Aric is, but here goes...
First of all Brie and I would like to thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him we know that none of the wonderful miracles we have seen thus far would be possible.
Next we want to thank all of you who are
reading this blog. We are so blessed to have such a fantastic support group of friends and family. God has placed all of you in our lives for a special reason and for that we are so grateful.
Brie and I have been so overwhelmed by the prayers and support, not only from friends and family, but from people that we don't know and that don't even know us. It just goes to show we are all family through the bond we have in Christ.
Thank you all again so much. You will never know how much you all mean to us.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
How would you like to hear some GOOD news??? Well, let me give it a whirl!
- The folks at South have successfully gotten Colby's blood sugar levels regulated.
- Colby's blood pressure is doing a better job of holding steady on its own, allowing them to reduce the dosage of dopamine being used.
- He is breathing "room air" - meaning that they are not having to push extra Oxygen through the ventillator. (They have gone up on the ventillator setting, but they're not too concerned about that given the other positive steps.)
- With everything looking so good, they have dropped back on the scheduled blood gas tests - they will now be performing those every four hours, as compared to the two hour schedule they were on before.
Similar great news on Brie - looks like she's going home tomorrow!!! Her H&H level is up to 27 and it looks like the transfusion took without any resistance from the body. Hallelujah! She has out of bed more and more frequently each day, and is now doing laps around the Post Partum Ward each time she gets up. (Jason loves some NASCAR, so I imagine they're going around the ward in a counter-clockwise direction... GO FAST, TURN LEFT - GO FAST, TURN LEFT!!!) :)
Folks, you're doing an amazing job. God created us because he covets a relationship with us. He calls us to talk to Him and to listen to Him - just as communication is important in ANY relationship. He is hearing your prayers! I want you to hear His answer... He is blessing this world through the life of Colby - people are coming back to prayer and seeking to enter (or return) into an active relationship with the Christ. Continue to fervently bring expectant prayer before Him, in accordance with Luke 11 and Psalm 5. Continue to seek His will for this little boy and his family. And, in so doing, let yourself reap the blessing of chasing after God's own heart and strengthen your own relationship with Christ.
May God's protection continue to rest upon little Colby. May His peace continue to fill the hearts of Jason & Brie. May the strength of the Holy Spirit continue to embolden each of them and each of us as we bring our requests before the Lord. May Christ's love be felt among believers and shared with everyone who is touched by young Colby's life. And may God continue to bless each and every person who has partnered in prayer and support of this family!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Road Trip
Just wanted to let everyone know that Colby successfully made the trip over to South and got checked in. The staff over there seems to be just as awesome as the wonderful people over at East! Keep sending up those prayers for Colby and everyone he's coming into contact with. May God bless him through those people - and may God bless those people through their encounters with him!
Thanks so much - and may God bless each and every one of YOU.
Thanks so much - and may God bless each and every one of YOU.
No sooner did I post my last update, Jason called and said they are transferring Colby over to South. His blood sugar won't stay regulated - if they reduce the amount of glucose, his blood sugar drops too low; if they increase it, it rises too high.
(I will post more later, but it may be a while - I promise I'll get something out here before I go to bed tonight, though.)
(I will post more later, but it may be a while - I promise I'll get something out here before I go to bed tonight, though.)
Day One
Thank you everyone for the generous outpouring of support and prayer during this difficult time! Below is an update as of Monday morning (July 30):
Brie is doing well, overall. She has been up and walking several times and each time is easier than the last. However, it has been discovered that her "H&H" is a little low. ("H&H" = hemoglobin hematocrit) It was at 19 this morning and the doctors really don't want it dipping below a 20. The options presented were:
- Wait and see how her body processed this on its own. Quite possibly, her body may have made the corrections over time, but it could have been a slow process and she would be low on energy in the meantime. Also, once home, if additional blood loss occurred, she would not have any "reserve" and things could have gone from bad to worse.
- Go ahead with a blood transfusion. This would speed up the H&H level recovery, increase Brie's energy levels and, hopefully, then allow for a more speedy overall recovery from the surgical procedure. Also, as mentioned above, the transfusion allows for some "reserve" in the case of additional blood loss in the future - especially if it took place after her release from the hospital.
After weighing the options, Jason & Brie chose Option 2 and were awaiting news as to the schedule for the transfusion. Please pray that this procedure is without complication and that her body accepts the blood units unconditionally. Please continue to pray for Brie's speedy recovery and strength.
As for Colby...
The doctors are still VERY pleased with his condition. The NICU nursing staff reports that he is "big for his age", which is EXCELLENT news!!! There have been some concerns over the past week or so - as the placenta was abrupting - about whether Colby was getting all of the nutrients he needed for proper development. His bigger size gives some assurances that he was getting plenty! :)
Currently, he is being treated with antibiotics, erythromycin, and Vitamin K. Additionally, he has received two treatments so far to assist his lungs. Due to his premature birth, his lungs had not fully developed. So, as the lungs expand and contract, they tend to "stick" together. They are treating him with medication to help aid against that sticking, so that he gets all the oxygen he needs. Also, he was a bit cold, so they covered him with cellophane. (I knew I should have invested in SARAN and GLAD Brands!!!) Colby is moving around a good bit, though some of the motions appear to be involuntary - as if his hand will twitch and THEN he'll realize, "Hey, look, there's a HAND over there!" :) His heart rate is typically in the 160's and the nurses said they look for it to be between 100-200, so praise God for that great report! They are also treating him with blood pressure medications to help keep the BP up. As can be expected, it's a little low on its own, but we pray for continued development in that area so that he can eventually shed that chemical assistance and his BP can be normal on its own. They also are treating him with caffeine to help keep his senses alert - reminding him to breathe (highly important) and other things. Finally, Colby gets an X-ray every day to monitor the positioning of the intubation tube and IV. We want to make sure these remain properly positioned to deliver air and nutrients properly.
Now, there is talk from the medical team about a "Honeymoon Period" that we are currently enjoying. Right now, as we all know, he is VERY fragile. Any significant jostling or jolting has the potential for major side effects. They DO NOT want to move him. However, most preemies who come as early as Colby did wind up needing a ventilator that they do not have at East - it is only available over at South. So, there is a better than decent chance that they may have to risk a transfer in order to get him to the equipment that he will need. This brings us to some very significant prayer requests:
- As always, we pray first and foremost for God's will above all else.
- We covet prayer that Colby will continue to grow and develop in such a way that the transfer is NOT needed. We pray that the medical team within the Level II NICU at East is able to continue to bring him along successfully and with knowledge and skill that can come only as a blessing from our Father above.
- If the transfer DOES become necessary, we covet prayer that it will take place without danger or injury and that the folks over at South can pick up where East leaves off - again, able to assist in Colby's growth and development in such a way that allows for God's diving intervention to occur unimpeded.
PS - Don't forget to check out the new photos on the "Pictures" tab above.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Happy Birthday!!!
Colby was introduced into this world at 11:41 p.m. on July 28, 2012, with a great deal of excitement and activity. He was born at 24 weeks into the pregnancy, measuring 13 inches in length, and weighing in at only 1 lb, 10 oz. Brie had been experiencing some complications throughout the pregnancy, but especially for the past week. Her placenta was abrupting from the cervix and the doctors and nurses senses were already hightened as it related to this sweet little boy. Everyone felt as though things were pretty well settled down, and there was actually much talk of the Smiths returning home (though with strict orders for rest), and getting away from the difficulties of life in the hospital. Around 8:00 in the evening, complications began presenting themselves again, and circumstances continued to slide south as the night progressed. Around 10:45, it appeared that things were settling down and Brie began to settle in for some sleep. Suddenly, though, contractions began and were growing in both regularity and intensity. At approximately 11:15, the nurses discovered that Brie's cervix had suddenly begun to thin and dilate and it was apparent that labor was in full-swing. The nursing staff came rushing in from every direction and the decision was quickly made to perform an emergency C-section, as the doctors could not determine Colby's position. Brie was whisked down the hall, with Jason sprinting immediately behind. In a matter of minutes, Colby was delivered, intubated, cleaned up, and taken to the NICU. Brie came through the surgery well, though she is extremely sore and tired.
Having been born as early as he was, there are obvious concerns about physical development. However, in this first 12 hours, the doctors are encouraged by Colby's status - his vitals are looking good, though his blood pressure needs to come up. As more information becomes available, this blog site will be updated - please check back regularly. In the meantime, PLEASE continue to pray continually and expectantly. God's will is perfect and beyond our ability to understand at all times. But, please pray for a peace - even in the midst of that lack of understanding - a peace that shrouds the family and wraps them in comfort. Please pray for wisdom - wisdom that can only come from the Creator and Author of all life - wisdom for the medical team and professionals, so they can treat and react to Colby in every necessary way. Please pray for strength - a strength that can only come through Christ Almighty - for strength will be necessary to endure the coming days, weeks, and months. Please pray for love - felt in the presence of the Holy Spirit - may the Spirit's presence permeate the hospital room, the hearts of the family, into the NICU, and all over as people lift this family and this little baby boy's life in prayer.
Your support in prayer and love is greatly appreciated! May God bless each of you, as He uses you to bring blessing to this family!!!
Having been born as early as he was, there are obvious concerns about physical development. However, in this first 12 hours, the doctors are encouraged by Colby's status - his vitals are looking good, though his blood pressure needs to come up. As more information becomes available, this blog site will be updated - please check back regularly. In the meantime, PLEASE continue to pray continually and expectantly. God's will is perfect and beyond our ability to understand at all times. But, please pray for a peace - even in the midst of that lack of understanding - a peace that shrouds the family and wraps them in comfort. Please pray for wisdom - wisdom that can only come from the Creator and Author of all life - wisdom for the medical team and professionals, so they can treat and react to Colby in every necessary way. Please pray for strength - a strength that can only come through Christ Almighty - for strength will be necessary to endure the coming days, weeks, and months. Please pray for love - felt in the presence of the Holy Spirit - may the Spirit's presence permeate the hospital room, the hearts of the family, into the NICU, and all over as people lift this family and this little baby boy's life in prayer.
Your support in prayer and love is greatly appreciated! May God bless each of you, as He uses you to bring blessing to this family!!!
This blog is created to return glory to God for the blessing of little Colby Jackson. Already, he has blessed his family, friends, and his medical team. He is loved by so many and has brought with him the love of our heavenly Father God, who has knit him together and has presented Colby as a gift in His perfect timing. Jason and Brie will use this blog as a way to get updates and information out to all of their family and friends, and any others who are willing to partner in prayer for this little miracle.
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